
With Digy360 you’re able to integrate all the testing phases in one place by using the seamless automation mode on cloud.

Digy360 – First Unified Scalable Software Platform That Accelerates End To End Enterprise Testing To A New Level

Experience the Industry’s first Comprehensive cloud-based software testing tool to run your Native Apps, Browser based tests, Mobile Web, and API in one place. The user-intuitive interface enables organizations to integrate all the testing phases without any external support. With minimal human intervention, don’t miss out on experiencing higher productivity at the lowest price.
Say Goodbye to Laborious manual integration and enjoy effortless automatic test runs per execution status.
Results of all types of testing like UI, API, Mobile Web, Native Apps will be shown in the same comprehensive dashboard.
Once you set the integration rules with source control systems like Github, Digy360 takes charge of end-to-end automated testing.

A Software with Endless Proprietary Tool Integration

While other testing solutions are limited to certain proprietary tools, Digy360 is the Industry’s first cloud based end-to-end software testing solution that offers seamless integration of as many existing tools and frameworks as you want.
proprietary tools
One-Dashboard enterprise reporting provides you with reporting and test case drilling. You can easily monitor the test step levels, and capture logs, video and historical trends for the entire organization in one place.
DigyRunner will let you store and extract test case information and results from the cloud seamlessly. All your testing data and testing infrastructure will be in one place with seamless migration using DigyRunner.
Digy360 is not just compatible with DigyFramework but also with your organization’s framework. There are endless integration tools and frameworks that we support for seamless software end-to-end testing of all types.
Execute your automated test cases with complete automation using DigyKube or other SaaS Cloud Farm. No manual intervention means accurate results and higher productivity.
Control all your test management tools using a single interface to ensure continuous automated testing. After every test run, you get enterprise-level real-time test reports and details.
With our unique code repository feature, all your tests run on the latest code without any manual intervention. Digy360 integrates with a wide array of code repository.
To ensure cloud-based end-to-end software testing, Digy360 integrates various CI/CD tools seamlessly.

What Makes Digy360 Best for End-to-End Testing?

Cloud based Enterprise Testing Platform


Easy Ecosystem Integration

Our flexible Cloud Runner fits your enterprise ecosystem seamlessly.

Fully Automated Testing

Minimal manual intervention ensures the best quality end-to-end testing results.

Quick Integration

Any changes to our flexible Cloud Runner are made with a quick integration resulting in a faster testing process.


Digy Cloud Runner integrates with the following tools to capture the test results and display in the DigyDashboard.
REST Assured
REST Assured
Sauce Labs
Selenium Webdriver
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